
Sunday Worship

8:45 AM SERVICE 10:00 AM Sunday School & Adult EdUCATION 11:00 AM SERVICE

by: Pastor Malinak



Good morning and a most blessed Thursday to you. Today I'd like to address the topic of "stress".  We all have stressors in our lives. It's called daily living. But as a Christian people, we don't have to be consumed by the stress in our life, because we have the Lord who loves us and walks with us and guides us. As God's children, every single day, we can cling to him, cling to the promise that he brings to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Cling to the promise that he delivers to us every time we open his Word.

I asked a few people what Scripture they turn to when they are stressed, or what Scripture comes to mind. And these are a couple of the answers. 

  • First, we hear from Psalm 46:10 where it says, "be still and know that I am God." 
  • Another one is from John 10:10, where Jesus said, "the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
  • Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through him. That is Christ, who strengthens me." 
  • And finally, Psalm 23:1 "the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want." 

We all have a variety of ups and downs every day. And we all have different trials that we face, but we don't face them alone. We face them with the Lord Jesus Christ. So the next time that you find yourself stressed out or discomforted by something, I encourage you to find that Word, that verse from God's Word that gives you strength, that gives you hope, that gives you comfort and peace and that calms your fears. Because the Lord is with you. The Lord walks with you, and the Lord will never, ever leave your side.

Heavenly Lord, we thank you so much for the promise that you are our God, that you are our shepherd, that you are with us at all times and in all places. Lord, when we face a variety of stresses, whether today or tomorrow, in the coming days and weeks, Lord, we ask that you would put your Word in front of us. Put your Word of comfort and hope and peace in front of us, and let us cling to the promise that we have in you, the promise of love, the promise of mercy, and the promise of your eternal grace. Lord, we thank you for those that you have called into our lives that help to deliver your Word of peace. And we ask that you would use us in the lives of others to deliver your Word of peace as well.

Lord, we lift this to you in the blessed and holy and peace-giving name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Have an amazing rest of your week, hopefully not stressful, and I look forward to worshipping with you soon. God bless.

Pastor Malinak

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Good morning and a most blessed Thursday to you. Today I'd like to address the topic of "stress".  We all have stressors in our lives. It's called daily living. But as a Christian people, we don't have to be consumed by the stress in our life, because we have the Lord who loves us and walks with us and guides us. As God's children, every single day, we can cling to him, cling to the promise that he brings to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. Cling to the promise that he delivers to us every time we open his Word.

I asked a few people what Scripture they turn to when they are stressed, or what Scripture comes to mind. And these are a couple of the answers. 

  • First, we hear from Psalm 46:10 where it says, "be still and know that I am God." 
  • Another one is from John 10:10, where Jesus said, "the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
  • Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through him. That is Christ, who strengthens me." 
  • And finally, Psalm 23:1 "the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want." 

We all have a variety of ups and downs every day. And we all have different trials that we face, but we don't face them alone. We face them with the Lord Jesus Christ. So the next time that you find yourself stressed out or discomforted by something, I encourage you to find that Word, that verse from God's Word that gives you strength, that gives you hope, that gives you comfort and peace and that calms your fears. Because the Lord is with you. The Lord walks with you, and the Lord will never, ever leave your side.

Heavenly Lord, we thank you so much for the promise that you are our God, that you are our shepherd, that you are with us at all times and in all places. Lord, when we face a variety of stresses, whether today or tomorrow, in the coming days and weeks, Lord, we ask that you would put your Word in front of us. Put your Word of comfort and hope and peace in front of us, and let us cling to the promise that we have in you, the promise of love, the promise of mercy, and the promise of your eternal grace. Lord, we thank you for those that you have called into our lives that help to deliver your Word of peace. And we ask that you would use us in the lives of others to deliver your Word of peace as well.

Lord, we lift this to you in the blessed and holy and peace-giving name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Have an amazing rest of your week, hopefully not stressful, and I look forward to worshipping with you soon. God bless.

Pastor Malinak

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