
Sunday Worship

8:45 AM SERVICE 10:00 AM Sunday School & Adult EdUCATION 11:00 AM SERVICE

by: Pastor Malinak



Good morning and a most blessed Thursday to you. In our time of devotion together this morning we are going to spend our time in prayer. We will read from God's Word. But there has been so much happening in these past few weeks and you have been experiencing so much in your lives that I think it's a good time for us to come together and pray with one another and pray for one another.

It's always a good time for prayer. But as I was preparing for this time together with you, I was very moved that we needed to share in prayer together as God's children, as brothers and sisters in Christ. And so we are going to share in prayer. We're going to begin with God's Word. I want to read from Psalm 23. I was seeking for Scripture that is both comforting and, and empowering and uplifting. There's just no better, more perfect Psalm than Psalm 23. It really covers the lot of life and God's place in our life and our place in God's care. And so let's first read Psalm 23. 

"The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long."

Let's take a moment to prepare our hearts and to turn to the Lord in prayer together.

Father, we thank you. We thank you that your righteousness continues to go forth. We thank you that though we are sinners, you have set us free through the blood of Jesus Christ, your son. Thank you for promising always to walk with us, for always, always promising to guide us and never leaving our side. Lord, we thank you for placing your own Spirit within us.

We ask that you would lead us by your Spirit, that you would guide us in discernment of decisions that are coming our way. We ask that you would bless us with mercy for others as we are called to care for them. Lord, we ask for you to fill us with patience and gentleness as others care for us and help us. Lord, we ask that any who are suffering in body, mind, that you would have your healing touch upon them. 

Lord, we ask that you would bless those who are suffering under the  devastating effects of Hurricane Helene...That you would be with the people who have lost loved ones, who are still missing loved ones. We ask that you would be with the communities that have been completely wiped out. We ask that you would be with all those who have lost dear ones recently, that you would comfort them in your grace and give them strength to face each day as it comes. Lord, we rejoice with our brothers and sisters who have welcomed new members into their families, who have had job promotions, who have done well in school, who have just had good days. Lord, we we lift all those that are suffering silently and we ask that you would be their place of refuge....That you would give them your Word of love and comfort and your promise of hope. Lord, we ask that those who have not already known of your grace and your mercy would hear your word of love, hear your word of forgiveness. Lord, we ask that as long as we walk this side of heaven, that you would use us regardless of our context, regardless of what's going on in our lives, maybe because of what is going on in our lives. Lord, we ask that you would use us to share your love and to to show others and tell others of your glory. Lord, we know that all is held in your hands.

We know that all is known to you and nothing is a surprise to you. We ask that you would give us the courage and empower us to trust you, to fear you, to love you above all other things. Lord, we thank you for your word. We thank you for the promise that is held within your word. And we thank you so much that your word is brought to us, the word of promise, the word of forgiveness, and also the word that puts us where we are in your eyes as redeemed sinners, redeemed by your grace and by your own sacrifice.

Lord, we lift to you those prayers that we hold deeply in our hearts and on our lips as we take a moment to pray those now God, we thank you so much for hearing our prayers. We know that you hear us when we call to you and we know that you answer us according to your goodwill and purpose. Lord, give us the courage and the strength to trust in you, to trust your will, and to trust your timing. We praise you, Lord, for you are good. We praise you, for you are holy.  And we praise you because you are the almighty God. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 

I hope that you have an amazing rest of your week. Know that you can always turn to the Lord, trusting in his goodness, trusting that he is your shepherd.

And when the Lord is our shepherd, there is nothing that we shall want. And we are promised that goodness and righteousness will follow us all of our days. God bless.

Pastor Malinak

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Good morning and a most blessed Thursday to you. In our time of devotion together this morning we are going to spend our time in prayer. We will read from God's Word. But there has been so much happening in these past few weeks and you have been experiencing so much in your lives that I think it's a good time for us to come together and pray with one another and pray for one another.

It's always a good time for prayer. But as I was preparing for this time together with you, I was very moved that we needed to share in prayer together as God's children, as brothers and sisters in Christ. And so we are going to share in prayer. We're going to begin with God's Word. I want to read from Psalm 23. I was seeking for Scripture that is both comforting and, and empowering and uplifting. There's just no better, more perfect Psalm than Psalm 23. It really covers the lot of life and God's place in our life and our place in God's care. And so let's first read Psalm 23. 

"The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long."

Let's take a moment to prepare our hearts and to turn to the Lord in prayer together.

Father, we thank you. We thank you that your righteousness continues to go forth. We thank you that though we are sinners, you have set us free through the blood of Jesus Christ, your son. Thank you for promising always to walk with us, for always, always promising to guide us and never leaving our side. Lord, we thank you for placing your own Spirit within us.

We ask that you would lead us by your Spirit, that you would guide us in discernment of decisions that are coming our way. We ask that you would bless us with mercy for others as we are called to care for them. Lord, we ask for you to fill us with patience and gentleness as others care for us and help us. Lord, we ask that any who are suffering in body, mind, that you would have your healing touch upon them. 

Lord, we ask that you would bless those who are suffering under the  devastating effects of Hurricane Helene...That you would be with the people who have lost loved ones, who are still missing loved ones. We ask that you would be with the communities that have been completely wiped out. We ask that you would be with all those who have lost dear ones recently, that you would comfort them in your grace and give them strength to face each day as it comes. Lord, we rejoice with our brothers and sisters who have welcomed new members into their families, who have had job promotions, who have done well in school, who have just had good days. Lord, we we lift all those that are suffering silently and we ask that you would be their place of refuge....That you would give them your Word of love and comfort and your promise of hope. Lord, we ask that those who have not already known of your grace and your mercy would hear your word of love, hear your word of forgiveness. Lord, we ask that as long as we walk this side of heaven, that you would use us regardless of our context, regardless of what's going on in our lives, maybe because of what is going on in our lives. Lord, we ask that you would use us to share your love and to to show others and tell others of your glory. Lord, we know that all is held in your hands.

We know that all is known to you and nothing is a surprise to you. We ask that you would give us the courage and empower us to trust you, to fear you, to love you above all other things. Lord, we thank you for your word. We thank you for the promise that is held within your word. And we thank you so much that your word is brought to us, the word of promise, the word of forgiveness, and also the word that puts us where we are in your eyes as redeemed sinners, redeemed by your grace and by your own sacrifice.

Lord, we lift to you those prayers that we hold deeply in our hearts and on our lips as we take a moment to pray those now God, we thank you so much for hearing our prayers. We know that you hear us when we call to you and we know that you answer us according to your goodwill and purpose. Lord, give us the courage and the strength to trust in you, to trust your will, and to trust your timing. We praise you, Lord, for you are good. We praise you, for you are holy.  And we praise you because you are the almighty God. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 

I hope that you have an amazing rest of your week. Know that you can always turn to the Lord, trusting in his goodness, trusting that he is your shepherd.

And when the Lord is our shepherd, there is nothing that we shall want. And we are promised that goodness and righteousness will follow us all of our days. God bless.

Pastor Malinak

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