Good morning and a blessed Thursday morning to you.
Today I want to share one verse from the Bible with you. Acts 1:8
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
That verse is really instructive for us in terms of the witnessing of our Lord's Church. It's really concentric circles. Jerusalem, and then you go another circle to Judea and Samaria. And then another circle to the ends of the Earth. Those concentric circles really provide a
blueprint for the church to follow, as the church moves out in witness.
I think, for example, of Vacation Bible School. Our VBS concludes this evening. VBS is really a Jerusalem Ministry, isn't it. It's a ministry that's ministering to our local communities. It's just a tremendous outreach. It's wonderful to see familiar faces. It's also wonderful to see new faces. These children are being equipped to go back into their homes to proclaim Christ. What a great ministry!
That's a Jerusalem ministry.
I think also of the preschool that will be opening here at LWLC in mid-August. And that's a Jerusalem ministry too. It's going to minister to our local communities. I can't tell you how excited we are about the staff that the Lord has brought together to serve in this ministry. And now we're using a whole host of various avenues to to get the word. What can you do? Well, the best form of communication is one-on-one sharing with your friends and your neighbors. So let them know about this preschool. It's going to be a wonderful, wonderful Jerusalem ministry.
Following the concentric circles model, we also have ministry in Judea and Samaria. I think, for example, later on this summer there is going to be a men's mission trip to San Antonio. You'll be hearing more about that as the date gets closer. But this trip is going to work in partnership with a sister congregation. It's going to be a community outreach BBQ. It's going to be a wonderful time of two congregations joining together in a Judea and Samaria ministry.
There is also a mission trip planned to, once again, return to our mission with our Navajo friends in New Mexico. We were there a couple of years ago. It's a tremendous experience and another opportunity to share the gospel. And so you'll be hearing more about that as that date approaches. I commend you to take a look at some details on our website That’s a Judea Samaria mission too. It’s a witnessing opportunity.
I think of another witnessing opportunity that is another Judea and Samaria witnessing opportunity. There is a mission trip being planned in partnership with My Father's Business, that ministers to youth in the Chicago area. We've been associated with that ministry now for several years. That's another Judea samaria ministry.
And then. right around the bend, our senior high ministry is going to go to New Orleans. They're going to put on a Vacation Bible School there in that area. They're going to do some light home repairs. These are all opportunities to move into the community with the love of Christ in word and in deed.
These are just some examples of Jerusalem ministries, and Judea and Samaria witnessing.
And tomorrow there's a group from our congregation that are headed to Costa Rica. This is really an ends of the Earth ministry, so to speak. We partner with a Costa Rican congregation that we have been involved with and visited four times. This is a congregation that has had a dream to build an outdoor gym and sports area, as a vehicle for people to gather… a place where relationships can be built, and the gospel can be shared. This congregation was thrilled when we said we're going to fund that. And so we're providing $20,000 for this Outdoor Sports area to be built. So the team is going to Costa Rica is going to be putting in some sweat labor, working with the congregants
in that congregation… helping to build this dream that they have had. They don't have to worry about the money anymore, as by God's grace, we are able to fund this project. That's really an opportunity of reaching out into the ends of the Earth… of witnessing and joining with others to proclaim Christ.
Acts 1:8 tells us of those concentric circles. So whether you're in Jerusalem, or Judea and Samaria, or maybe you're at one of those ends of the Earth places… God has empowered you to share the glorious Gospel of the forgiveness of sins through Christ, the empty tomb, and of God's incredible grace for us.
Let's pray. Gracious Heavenly Father, we give you thanks that you empower us to witness. Embolden us. Empower us to be your witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea Samaria, and to the ends of the Earth. You have given us the great gospel message to share. And so send us forth in Jesus’ name. Amen.
May God bless you this week. Encourage someone.
Pastor Eibel
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