"A Clear Path"

Sunday Worship

8:45 AM SERVICE 10:00 AM Sunday School & Adult EdUCATION 11:00 AM SERVICE

by: Pastor Malinak



Well, today I was driving into work and I had the blessed experience of driving in the fog. And I say it was a blessing because at the same time I was listening to some hymns and the hymn that happened to be playing was Lead Kindly Light. And it's a hymn that is all about seeking God's guidance, seeking for the light of God to lead and His Spirit to lead us forward. I was very grateful to God in the moment that I got to hear that hymn while I couldn't really see very far in front of me because the fog was blocking my way. And I thought, what a gift because I was able to see just enough ahead of me that I could get, you know, half a mile forward down the road with clarity.

And then I would get to that point and I would see that next half a mile down the road. And half a mile may be stretching it. I'm not good with measurements, so have some grace.

But just what I needed to see was what I could see. And I knew through the fog that my future destination was there. I just couldn't see it clearly yet. But all along the path that little bit by little bit road would be shown, I could see it and I could drive safely on it. When we think about our lives in that same sort of term or in that analogy, we face the future that is covered in fog.

We can't see fully the future. We know our destination, we know our resting place, or our real life is in the presence of Jesus, the presence of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all of eternity. But while we are this side of heaven, we are still journeying this side of heaven. We only get to see a little bit at a time. And I think thats a gift from God because He gives us what we can handle for the moment.

And he gives us His Word which leads us so that we can move forward that day, week, month ahead safely with clarity. In Psalm 119, verse 105, the Psalmist writes, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  Thank God for His Word, that is truth. That is given out of his love and grace for you and I so that we know that we don't walk this side of heaven alone, but that we walk first and foremost with God himself.

And then he has gathered us to walk with other believers that can encourage us and that we can encourage on the way. It is enough that God gives us enough sight for what lies ahead. And it is okay that we can't see through the fog of the future because we know and we have assurance that our future is secure. Its secure in him because he already paid the price, the debt, the penalty for our sin for us. So that we know when we get through the fog we will be in his light eternally.

And there is no greater destination. I hope that God brings someone into your path today, someone where he shines a light on that person that you can share the good news with, that you can share God love with, that you can serve in the strength and the love of the Spirit. And that you can face this day and every day seeking for guidance from the Spirit and saying to him or singing with with the chorus Lead, Kindly Light. Its a beautiful hymn. I hope you look it up.

Heavenly Lord, we thank you for your grace. We thank you for lighting our path. We thank you for assuring us that our ultimate destiny, our ultimate point that we will be called to is in your presence for all eternity. Lord, we thank you that there is no entrance fee that we have to pay, but that you have already paid that entrance fee for us, that you have made the way clear for us through your son, Jesus Christ.  Lord, we ask that as you light our paths today, that we seek your wisdom, that we seek your direction and that we seek your guidance. Lord, guide us to those that we can share your love with, guide us to those that need to hear the good news of salvation and guide us to those that we can encourage along this journey this side of heaven. Lord, we praise you for calling us to be your own. We praise you for calling us to be a part of our community of faith, our family of faith. And we praise you for never letting us walk alone. Lord, we lift all of this to you, giving you thanks in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Have a wonderful clear day and I will look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday. God bless.

Pastor Malinak

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Well, today I was driving into work and I had the blessed experience of driving in the fog. And I say it was a blessing because at the same time I was listening to some hymns and the hymn that happened to be playing was Lead Kindly Light. And it's a hymn that is all about seeking God's guidance, seeking for the light of God to lead and His Spirit to lead us forward. I was very grateful to God in the moment that I got to hear that hymn while I couldn't really see very far in front of me because the fog was blocking my way. And I thought, what a gift because I was able to see just enough ahead of me that I could get, you know, half a mile forward down the road with clarity.

And then I would get to that point and I would see that next half a mile down the road. And half a mile may be stretching it. I'm not good with measurements, so have some grace.

But just what I needed to see was what I could see. And I knew through the fog that my future destination was there. I just couldn't see it clearly yet. But all along the path that little bit by little bit road would be shown, I could see it and I could drive safely on it. When we think about our lives in that same sort of term or in that analogy, we face the future that is covered in fog.

We can't see fully the future. We know our destination, we know our resting place, or our real life is in the presence of Jesus, the presence of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all of eternity. But while we are this side of heaven, we are still journeying this side of heaven. We only get to see a little bit at a time. And I think thats a gift from God because He gives us what we can handle for the moment.

And he gives us His Word which leads us so that we can move forward that day, week, month ahead safely with clarity. In Psalm 119, verse 105, the Psalmist writes, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, "Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."  Thank God for His Word, that is truth. That is given out of his love and grace for you and I so that we know that we don't walk this side of heaven alone, but that we walk first and foremost with God himself.

And then he has gathered us to walk with other believers that can encourage us and that we can encourage on the way. It is enough that God gives us enough sight for what lies ahead. And it is okay that we can't see through the fog of the future because we know and we have assurance that our future is secure. Its secure in him because he already paid the price, the debt, the penalty for our sin for us. So that we know when we get through the fog we will be in his light eternally.

And there is no greater destination. I hope that God brings someone into your path today, someone where he shines a light on that person that you can share the good news with, that you can share God love with, that you can serve in the strength and the love of the Spirit. And that you can face this day and every day seeking for guidance from the Spirit and saying to him or singing with with the chorus Lead, Kindly Light. Its a beautiful hymn. I hope you look it up.

Heavenly Lord, we thank you for your grace. We thank you for lighting our path. We thank you for assuring us that our ultimate destiny, our ultimate point that we will be called to is in your presence for all eternity. Lord, we thank you that there is no entrance fee that we have to pay, but that you have already paid that entrance fee for us, that you have made the way clear for us through your son, Jesus Christ.  Lord, we ask that as you light our paths today, that we seek your wisdom, that we seek your direction and that we seek your guidance. Lord, guide us to those that we can share your love with, guide us to those that need to hear the good news of salvation and guide us to those that we can encourage along this journey this side of heaven. Lord, we praise you for calling us to be your own. We praise you for calling us to be a part of our community of faith, our family of faith. And we praise you for never letting us walk alone. Lord, we lift all of this to you, giving you thanks in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Have a wonderful clear day and I will look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday. God bless.

Pastor Malinak

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